Jill Hendelman Bio

Meet our dog trainer, Jill Hendelman

Jill loves dogs. All kinds of dogs. But more than anything, she loves well-behaved dogs! Jill feels that every dog should have basic good manners, and be a pleasure to take places in public. That’s why she’s devoted her dog training expertise to helping people develop a harmonious and companionable relationship with their dogs.

Jill’s philosophy is “Training for Your Everyday Dog,” emphasizing common sense goals for you to achieve with your dog. She understands that you really don’t need your dog to sit just so, or heel with military precision. She’ll help you teach your dog to be a well-mannered companion (this includes sitting on command and walking easily with you on leash). Realistic goals for the everyday dog and every dog owner!

Jill is able to address problems from a variety of angles, and has the experience to offer multiple ways to handle any difficulties you may have. She has a very positive attitude, a good sense of humor, and is easy-going (important qualities when working with dogs as well as people).

Jill had her formal training with Babette Haggerty at Babette Haggerty’s School for Dogs in Palm Beach, Florida. She was taught by working as an apprentice, with dogs and their people, in their own homes as well as in class settings. Jill learned to approach each situation from many angles and to have several solutions at the ready. She has also attended multiple seminars on topics such as Solving Problem Behaviors, and she continues to attend behavior and training seminars as opportunities arise.

Jill teaches two types of classes at Greenbriar Animal Hospital, Puppy Parenting and The Well-Mannered Dog. We plan to add classes for AKC Canine Good Citizen certification in the near future.

If you have questions or concerns that are not answered by the detailed information on our website, feel free to e-mail Jill directly at [email protected]. She is also available for private, in-home training sessions.

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